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She threw on a pair of flats for walking, and rushed out the door. This look would have to do. She smiled at Gary as she left the hotel. He smiled and nodded, but this time he took in all of her body. Lauren noticed this and it sent electricity through her entire body, settling between her legs. Between the excitement of being home, the adrenaline from seeing Trent after so long, and the flattery of being checked out by a guy she’d consider to be too attractive for her, she was overwhelmed. . After little time we changed positions, and She wrapped her arms around my neck while I fucked her, supporting her weight with my hands on her buttocks. I was digging into the flesh of her hips with my nails while she was scratching my shoulders with her nails. With my hands on her hips I grabbed her firmly and fucked her hard and fast. My dick was fully buried in her pussy. There was no waiting! My balls were going to explode! I slammed harder and faster into Nisha’s tight pussy, my thumb. I could not escape my bonds. I was helpless. Beau walked around to my head and grabbed my hair. Pulling me up by I t, he brought his lips down to mine. Not kissing me, just close enough that I could taste his breath, he said, “I will tell you what I got.” Dropping my head, he returned to my upturned hips. “I got to see you with your legs wrapped around my best fri end’s hips, and his dick buried deep in your pussy. All the way to the balls, you bitch!” he spat out. After saying that, he rammed. Perhaps if I were a God and I was the one responsible for the creation of such a creature as Man, I, too, would be loathe to see all Men doomed. Even as I despaired of the actions of my fellow Men in my youth, I still loved and cherished my kin and clansmen. Not an orphan went hungry, not a widow went cold, not a maimed warrior was cast out of the clan if it were at all possible to feed, clothe, and shelter them. Hard times showed the true character of a clan and mine was something which.
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