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" replied Bill.The first witch was now stripping off her wet clothes. Her large breastswobbled and shimmyed. Though she did not have the nicest face in the worldand the rest of her body wasn't that great, her breasts were amazing. Billcould not restrain his stares at her magnificent breasts."Oh, you like these? You want to hold them?" , said the first witch."On you, with them a part of you, and not me. Yes, I want to hold them.",said Bill."Then come here. Come closer, play with my breasts.",. It went like a bullet, so thick, direct into her throat. Jyoti Bhabhi was shocked, but she enjoyed it.Next, I made her stand up, but she still stroked my cock with her hand. I started unhooking her blouse while caressing her boobs. She was moaning at the top of her voice. I unhooked her blouse and opened her petticoat. Such a sexy fairy in a black bra and black panty!I touched her below, and her panty was completely wet on the crouch. I started kissing and biting Jyoti Bhabhi on top of her bra. My whole body felt electrified at the sight of my roommate, my friend, completely naked. Someone I had known for years, innocently, platonically, albeit sometimes idly wondering what she looked like nude, and now suddenly her entire body lay open to my gaze. Those barely-there breasts that she so assiduously covered up at home were round and petite, yet still full and shapely, tipped with small, brown nipples that poked out proudly. Her lithe, tanned body, proof that this wasn’t some once off. It must be because I'm nervous, I thought. I'll come back this evening and do it then. I got my slacks on over the undies and the belt, finished dressing, and went to the house. I had on a dark colored shirt, so I was pretty confident that the bra couldn't be seen. When I got back to the house Aunt Betty and Cissy were both there. They were discussing the upcoming shoot. I listened as Cissy said that this was going to be the most fun she'd ever had."How do you think our little sissy maid slut.
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